

Protecting the company's brand study:
Protecting the Company's Brand(s) study:
In today’s informative and competitive consumer market a reliable brand gives customers and investors’ confidence in buying its products, services and/or shares.
 In the May 2013 edition of Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) Quality World magazine, there was a whole section dedicated to “PR disasters”. This section highlighted the occurrence of incidents, how some prominent companies failed to manage these incidents and their brands were damaged and image tainted.
International union of Professional Development Institutions (IuPDI) supported by Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) conducted a study on protecting the company’s brand in Hong Kong.  
Deliverables of the study:
1.      Seminar on Awareness of Protecting the Company's Brand(s). 
2.      Workshop on Identification and Elimination of Potential Incidents.  
3.      Workshop on How to Manage Incident
4.    Workshop on How to prepare a Brand Recovery Manual