
19th May 2024, Visit by One World Spirit (students group) (see photo)Students were lucky to witnessed the maintenance of huts using traditional materials (soil mixed with cow dung) 

18th December 2023, Kowloon Chamber of Commerce inaugeration (see photo) where we are one of the committee members

7th Dec 2023 Our Chairman Leslie Lee attended BIP Business of IP Asia Forum (iupdi is one of the supporting organisations

16th Nov 2023. Our Chairman Leslie Lee attended the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce Young Executives committee 50th Anniversary Gala dinner (see photo) where he was a Vice Chairman of the Young Executives committee 20 years ago on two 2 years terms

15th Nov 2023. Our Chairman Leslie Lee Attended the Forum on 15th Nov 2023 organised by Chief Executive's Policy Unit. Title: China's Stride towards High-Quality Development- The Opportunities and Roles of Hong Kong” (see photo

Sri Lankan Agricultural Village: Here are photos of the project.

Clearing Vegetation 1, Clearing Vegetation 2, Clearing Vegetation 3

After some hardwork, here are some results achieved.

Traditional Sri Lankan hut built with mud and cow dung and coconut leaves (Photo of the Sri Lankan style hut ),

Every Sri Lankan village will have a Bodhi Tree (Bodhi Tree a symbol for the people), 

Preparation of the Farm for growing all kinds of vegetation (see photo)


Letter to the Editor SCMP published 4th July 2023 "Take a leaf from British Open" Link